healthy recipes Recipes

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Blueberries and Chia seeds Overnight Oats
1, Dec 2017
4.3 K

Take all the ingredients in a medium-sized bowl or in mason jar. Mix well and close the bowl or jar with a lid. Refrigerate overnight...

Carrot Juice
3, Sep 2015
8 K

Peel and wash carrots, cut into small pieces. In a blender, blend together the chopped carrots, ginger, lemon juice, sugar and water. Pour the juice...

Avocado Cucumber Lettuce Salad
6, Aug 2015
11.1 K

In a large salad bowl, add the diced avocado, diced tomatoes, sliced red onion, chopped cucumber, grated carrot, chopped lettuce, and chopped coriander leaves. Drizzle...

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