Sugar candied Diamond Cuts, Kerala style Sweet Diamond Cuts

Filed under Egg, Non-Vegetarian, Sweets
Author:       Posted on,  24, Feb 2013        32 K  views.
4.4/5 ( 68 votes )
  • Author
  • Posted on 24, Feb 2013
  • Views 32 K
  • Difficulty -
  • Yields 5-6 servings
  • Prep Time -
  • Cooking Time -
  • Total Time 90-120 minutes
Yields 5-6 servings
Difficulty -
Prep Time -
Cooking Time -
Total Time 90-120 mins

   Happy Diwali   


For dough:

  • All purpose flour, Maida - 2 cup
  • Egg, medium sized - 1 Nos, beaten
  • Cardamom powder - ½ Teaspoon
  • Salt - ½ Teaspoon
  • Water as required ( little more than ½ cup )
  • Oil for deep frying

For Sugar Syrup:

  • Sugar - 1 cup
  • Water - ½ cup

Diamond cut preparation:

  1. In a large bowl, add in the all-purpose flour, beaten egg, cardamom powder, salt and mix well.
  2. Add enough water little by little into this and knead it to a soft pliable dough. It should not be too soft or too firm. Let it sit for about 30 minutes.
  3. Heat oil in a heavy bottomed deep pan in low-medium heat.
  4. Divide the dough into small lemon sized balls. Sprinkle little flour on the working surface.
  5. Roll each ball to very thin circles. Cut it into strips using a sharp knife. Then cut it diagonally to make diamond shapes.
  6. Place the prepared diamond cuts into the hot oil as batches. Do not overcrowd.
  7. Fry until golden brown on low heat. Flip to both sides to ensure proper and even frying.
  8. Transfer to a kitchen towel and let it cool.

Sugar syrup preparation:

  1. In a sauce pan, add in the sugar, water and bring to a boil. Mix well till sugar is melted.
  2. Stir until it reaches one string consistency.
  3. Remove from heat and allow the syrup to cool slightly.

Mixing diamond cuts and syrup:

  1. Pour the sugar syrup over fried diamond cuts little by little and gently mix to coat the syrup evenly on diamond cuts.
  2. Allow to cool completely and store in an air tight container.
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4.4/5 - (68 votes)
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5 Responses so far.

  1. G w says:

    This recipe was just awesome, took me back to the good ol days. Thank you

  2. M George says:

    Excellent recipe! Making it again now 🙂

  3. M George says:

    Awesome recipe! This is the second time I’m going to make these 🙂

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