Homemade Mayonnaise recipe

Author:       Posted on,  17, Jul 2018        5.8 K  views.
4/5 ( 3 votes )
  • Author
  • Posted on 17, Jul 2018
  • Views 5.8 K
  • Difficulty -
  • Yields - servings
  • Prep Time -
  • Cooking Time -
  • Total Time 1-2 minutes
Yields - servings
Difficulty -
Prep Time -
Cooking Time -
Total Time 1-2 mins

   Happy Diwali   

Recipe video

Homemade Mayonnaise recipe
  • Egg white - 2 large
  • Vegetable Oil - ½ cup
  • Lemon Juice - ¾ - 1 Tablespoon
  • Garlic - ½ portion of a small clove
  • Pepper powder - ⅛ Teaspoon
  • Salt to taste
  1. Add egg white, lemon juice, garlic, pepper powder, salt to the small jar of a food processor or a mixie and process for 20-30 seconds.
  2. Now add ¼ cup of oil and process until the mix starts to thicken.
  3. Then add in the remaining oil and process for 10-20 seconds or until the mix is thick and creamy.
  4. Mayonnaise is ready! Taste the mayonnaise and adjust lemon juice or salt, if desired.
  5. You can use Mustard paste/powder, Italian Seasoning or Onion powder for different flavors. If using, add in step #1.

Yield: Makes approx: 1 cup of Mayonnaise.

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