Homemade Eggnog with Sweetened Condensed Milk

Author:       Posted on,  23, Dec 2020        14 K  views.
3.7/5 ( 7 votes )
  • Author
  • Posted on 23, Dec 2020
  • Views 14 K
  • Difficulty -
  • Yields 3-4 servings
  • Prep Time -
  • Cooking Time -
  • Total Time 30-35 minutes
Yields 3-4 servings
Difficulty -
Prep Time -
Cooking Time -
Total Time 30-35 mins

   Happy Diwali   

Recipe video

Homemade Eggnog with Sweetened Condensed Milk
  • Milk - 2 cups
  • Sweetened Condensed Milk - 1 cup
  • Egg yolk - 4
  • Ground Nutmeg - ½ Teaspoon
  • Ground Cinnamon - ½ Teaspoon
  • Ground Cloves - ¼ Teaspoon
  • Vanilla Extract - 1 ½ Teaspoon
  • Salt, a pinch
  1. Combine milk, condensed milk, ground nutmeg, ground cinnamon, ground cloves, salt in a sauce pan over medium heat.
  2. Stir occasionally until the milk starts to boil, then lower the heat.
  3. Meanwhile, whisk the egg yolks in a bowl until light and creamy.
  4. Add ½ cup of hot milk mixture into the whisked egg, stir vigorously for a minute.
  5. Repeat Step (4), two-to-four times, to temper the eggs.
  6. Pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan on the stove.
  7. Stir continuously until the mixture is slightly thickened on low heat. Do not allow the mixture to boil, or it will curdle.
  8. Remove from heat and let it cool for one hour, then add in the vanilla and combine well.
  9. Serve chilled, with a pich of ground cinnamon or nutmeg on top, if desired.
  10. This recipe makes a medium thick eggnog, for thin consistency, refer notes.


  • For thin consistency,
    Before Cooking:
    • Use 2 ½ - 3 cups of milk, instead of 2 cups in step 1.

    After Cooking:
    • Strain the mixture through a strainer to remove any bits that may have formed. ( in step 8)
    • Then add the strained eggnog in a blender with ¼ - ½ cup of milk( boiled and cooled) and blend until smooth. Adjust the quantity of milk, according to the desired consistency.
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