In a large salad bowl, add the diced avocado, diced tomatoes, sliced red onion, chopped cucumber, grated carrot, chopped lettuce, and chopped coriander leaves. Drizzle...
Wash the grapes thoroughly. Blend together the grapes, lemon juice, sugar and water in a food processor/blender. Pour the grape mash into the strainer and...
Wash, remove the seeds and chop the gooseberries. Blend gooseberry pieces, ginger, grapes, lemon juice, sugar and water/plain soda. Strain and serve chilled. Notes: Adding...
Peel orange and remove the seeds. Cut banana into pieces. In a blender, blend together the ripe banana pieces, orange slices, yogurt and honey. Pour...
Wash carrot, beetroot, apple and peel off the skin and cut into small pieces. In a blender, blend together the carrot, beetroot, apple pieces, lemon...
Wash and peel off cucumber skin, cut into small pieces. Blend together the cucumber pieces, lemon juice, sugar, salt, water in a food processor/blender until...