Vegetarian Recipes
Sugar Syrup Preparation: Take sugar, water, cardamom pods and lime juice in a sauce pan, give a good stir and boil until the sugar is...
Take the sliced onion, chopped ginger, green chillies, curry leaves in a large bowl and squeeze well using your hands. Then add in the all-purpose...
Rice Dumplings Preparation: In a large bowl, add in the rice powder, grated coconut, enough salt and mix well. Set aside for 15 minutes. Add...
Add coffee powder, sugar and ½ cup of milk in the jar of a blender, blend for about 2-3 minutes on medium speed. Then add...
Initial preparation: Thaw the pastry sheets as directed in the package, for about 30-45 minutes. Peel the pineapple, cut it into small cubes. Then puree...
Add the oreo cookies in a blender and grind them coarsely. Then add in the milk, ice cream, vanilla extract and blend everything together until...
Peach-Mint Syrup Preparation: In a saucepan, combine peach pieces, sugar and 1 ¼ cup water, stir well and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved...
Initial Preparation: Wash rice thoroughly and soak for 15 minutes. Drain the water completely and set aside. Boil enough water to cook the rice in...
Initial Preparation: Thaw the pastry sheets as directed in the package, for about 30-45 minutes. Masala Preparation: Heat oil in a pan, add in the...