Beverages Recipes
Blend together the cereal, milk and ice cream until smooth and nicely frothy on high speed. Pour into a serving glass and garnish with cereal....
Add coffee powder, sugar and ½ cup of milk in the jar of a blender, blend for about 2-3 minutes on medium speed. Then add...
Add the oreo cookies in a blender and grind them coarsely. Then add in the milk, ice cream, vanilla extract and blend everything together until...
Peach-Mint Syrup Preparation: In a saucepan, combine peach pieces, sugar and 1 ¼ cup water, stir well and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved...
Crush well the frozen milk packet, using a heavy rod or with the back of a heavy spoon. Add the peeled banana, sugar, chocolate drink...
Blend together all the ingredients until smooth and creamy. Pour into the serving glasses, top with a scoop of vanilla ice-cream and serve immediately.
Cherry-Basil Syrup Preparation: Heat 1 cup of water in a sauce pan, add in the sugar, cherries and 3-4 basil leaves. Cook until the cherries...
Add the berries, sugar or honey in a blender. Blend on high speed until smooth. Then add in the yogurt, blend on high speed until...
Cut the dragon fruit into half, and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. In a blender, add the scooped out dragon fruit flesh, chilled...